Monday, August 10, 2009

The Great Void

It is obvious that our whole world lies within the limitation of our culturally created "language". Of course this put us a part from our far more deep and complex world of "emotions" and feelings that in fact governs our conscious world, like it or not!
I think sometimes even when we talk about the "truth" as a word, its actually limited to the very individual interpretation of the person that has launched the word itself. which puts us in-front of a bigger question which is : what is "truth" that lies beyond the limitation of the individuality of the personal?

The way i see it (now!) is, the truth "maybe" lies in the person himself/herself. Our emotional system is far more complex than i previously thought and probably others had thought before too. I can imagine it as a small receiver and transmitter device that is entangled in a expansive cosmic web of energy. We receive, try to find a meaning of what we receive or the process of making sense of this flux of information, and then put it in a form of language that varies from an individual to the other.
The more the individual is attuned to their complexity the more they can comprehend about what they feel in a more deeper and universal way. Thats why we have philosophers that their theories re-shaped the face of the world and others that lived their lives in the culturally created world and they were happy about it.
One of my earliest mistakes during my psychology studies, i thought that i can bottle one human being emotional experience in one theory or another trying to help them find a meaning of what they experience. And i guess i was totally wrong! . The whole therapeutic process doesn't happen after the therapist goes home and read more about the case or think deeper, in fact it happens during the lively dialog happening moment to moment between the two minds. I dont think that any psychological theory what ever it was would be able to encompass the human mind emotional experience. Not because its too difficult but simply because its never constant, its always on the move and keeps changing.
The whole persona construct are built during the external dialog with some one else or the internal dialog with a figure of a parent or any other creature from our near individual unconscious or even the collective unconscious of the whole universe.
I sometimes feel stupid that i have thought one day that i can bring something new to psychology!. I my self experience this great "void" of nothingness that scare the hell of me when im faced with it, when ever i try to avoid any masks of my personas. It seems that the whole idea of the persona lies in the very doing of interacting with some one else.
The moment you are solely and totally with your self and even without the internal dialog too, i experience the "nothingness" and it really irritates me because there i can find no language to describe what im feeling. Its this moment when you are in deep meditation and suddenly you found that your whole life is "nothing"!
This nothingness i guess is the "truth" that is unspoken and will never be spoken in a limited language.

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